Chowder 2007

Animation Action Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy

In Marzipan City, the young, excitable food-loving Chowder is the apprentice of Mung Daal, a very old chef who runs a catering company with his wife, Truffles and assistant, Shnitzel.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Chowder Chowder
  • HR: Žderonja Žderonja
  • GR: Chowder Chowder
  • IT: Chowder - Scuola di cucina Chowder - Scuola di cucina
  • RU: Чаудер Чаудер
  • RS: Čorba Čorba
  • ES: Chowder Chowder
Data di rilascio 02 Nov 2007
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