The Day Reagan Was Shot 2001

Biography Drama History

The 30th of March, 1981, the delusional John Hinckley Jr. tries to kill president Ronald Reagan. His life hangs on a thin thread at the hospital, while the Soviet Union is ready to invade a...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Day Reagan Was Shot The Day Reagan Was Shot
  • BR: Depois do Atentado Depois do Atentado
  • FR: Panique à la Maison Blanche Panique à la Maison Blanche
  • GR: Apopeira dolofonias Apopeira dolofonias
  • HU: A merénylet napja A merénylet napja
  • IT: Il giorno dell'attentato a Reagan Il giorno dell'attentato a Reagan
  • PL: Zamach na Reagana Zamach na Reagana
  • RU: День, когда стреляли в президента День, когда стреляли в президента
  • ES: Crónica de un atentado Crónica de un atentado
Data di rilascio 09 Dec 2001
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